Mindfulness Meditation Groups
Thank you for your interest in the Mindfulness Meditation Groups at Vita Psychology and Education Services.
The Mindfulness Meditation program for Pregnancy program will provide you with the tools required to calm the mind, foster positive emotions, build mental resilience and reduce stress. The sessions run three times are day and each is specifically tailored as follows:
Mondays 10am-11am Morning Meditation
The way you approach your morning can set the tone for the day ahead. Schedule time to kick start your week with a morning meditation tailored to provide you with a positive energy boost for the day. Join us in exploring areas such as goal setting, maintaining focus and clarity, relaxation, concentration and self-awareness
Mondays 2pm - 3pm Afternoon Pick Me Up
Need a positive energy boost before picking the kids up from school and heading home for a busy night of after school activities, homework and dinner? Join us for an afternoon pick me up- an intimate meditation group designed to help you accept the emotions of the day and refresh yourself for the evening.
Mondays 6pm - 7pm Evening Meditation
The evening meditation is specifically tailored to help you relax, reduce stress and increase happiness and acceptance. A perfect way to end your day.
Individual consultations also available.
Contact us today for an information pack
For more information about session times and availability please call the office on 9707 3499
to speak to one of our staff or email [email protected]